Again, this is a great attribute for us and as we move towards the start 2011 season we look forward to providing quality coverage throughout. Of course changes are in store and this lil’ blog will be blossoming in the coming month or so, but the aim will never change and that is to shine a bright light on the up-and-coming stars and the top-notch Minor League Baseball organizations around New England…and Beyond!
Not familiar with the publication? Well then, here’s a brief snippet of what DWN is all about:
“Dirty Water News is a lifestyle and entertainment newspaper that's going to be a great addition to local Boston media. Our feature articles include Restaurant Profile, Dirty Water Sports, Activity Spotlights, Boston Living, Trends, Comic Relief, Backstage among others. We have a comprehensive compilation of Calendars to keep you up on "what's up" in Boston including, Calendar of Events, Music Calendar and Coming Attractions (a guide to whats coming up in our next issue).”
You can grab a copy of Dirty Water News at bars, restraints and stores around Boston. Apparently you can also snag a copy if you hop a Cape Air flight to Providence, White Plains and Rutland, Vermont...seriously!
There is also an electronic version of the current edition available directly on their website. Click here to check it out (We're on Page 2). Also check out all of the other great things that Dirty Water News is doing as there is a vast
We love that Dirty Water (News) and we think you should too!
“DIRTY WATER NEWS is excited to introduce our newest section called “Boston Blogs.” Now everyone has the chance to get printed inside Boston’s Best Bar Rag and on our growing website at www.dirtywaternews. com. What we are looking for is the most interesting blog content in the Boston area. We’re open to all types and all genres, impassioned hobbyists and starving artists alike. If you think you got the stuff then send an email to blogs@dirtywaternews.com and write “Request For Submission Guidelines” in the Subject Line and we will send a short submission guideline sheet for you to fill out.”
I guess we are one of the first blogs to be bestowed with the honor of being featured and the great news is that they are looking for more local content to show off to their followers, so if you have your own little corner of the internet, shoot them a line, it won’t hurt I promise. And be sure to ask for the “Son of Fuzzy”...tell him C40 sent ya!